Vibrax excels all others in quality, durability and its ability to consistently catch fish. Legendary Blue Fox quality is apparent in the flaw-free plating, fine tolerances, super-sharp hooks and life-like dressings. Comes with a spinning blade on a bullet-shaped sinking body. 45-degree Mid depth blade runs two feet to four feet. The patented two-part body emits low-frequency sound vibrations that attract fish and trigger strikes while virtually eliminating line twist.
Specifications and Features:
- Body emits sonic vibration when rubbing against free turning gear
- Brass stamped blades
- Painted, printed and UV Bright finishes
- Patented 2-part body made of machined brass
- Silver- or copper-plated
- Sizes 3-6 include proper size siwash
- Stainless steel shaft
- VMC Hook is extremely sharp for quick penetration and perfectly tempered for strength
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